Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy First Birthday Asher Benjamin

Asher's jungle baby party was a success. The kids were really cute all dressed up in their costumes! Asher of course wasn't too keen on his, but he had fun at the party which is all that matters.

Its unreal that our baby is already 1! Already walking and talking. Unreal. I don't know how many times I can say this without sounding like a sentimental parrot, but time is just flying now. I feel like I'm chasing it down, trying to hold onto each stage before he changes again.

One thing I have noticed, is now that Asher is one, a lot of people have started to ask me when we're going to think about another one.... So lets just answer that one now, Not for a few years if ever. So moving on....

I'll start going back and editing old entries with pictures at some point.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

How do you Measure a Year?

In a little under a week my baby will turn 1! The stage he is in now is really fun! Hes really starting to talk now and hes walking really well. He wants to play outside and explore! I love it. I feel like I'm a better mom now that I get more sleep and he isn't eating every two hours.

But, I'm going to miss his baby days. Sometimes I watch him while he is sleeping or playing and I think "God, this kid is gorgeous!" and I get a little sad, because he may be my last baby and I feel like I didn't get a chance to enjoy his infancy because I was sick and then he was sick. Part of me wants to scream "Do over!" So I can have a chance to go back and just enjoy him.

Tomorrow I'm picking up pictures that Phill and I picked out for a photoboard that we'll display at his first birthday! And I know...there will be tears putting it together.

So here to my last week before my baby becomes a toddler....and I plan to spend it enjoying him!