Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Humble Heartfelt Thank You!

Its the time of year to reflect and give thanks. I was thinking about how crazy life can be, this time last year I was counting down the days until my pregnancy reached viability and praying for a healthy full term baby. Its amazing how life changes in such a short time. After all what is a year but 300 plus days? I find myself especially grateful, despite all the trials and tribulations that have faced my small family. I'm growing more as a person and embracing the positive aspect to all our challenges. I have many things to be grateful for and I would be remiss to leave anything out, so I'm going to attack this in an organized Fashion.

I am Grateful for my wonderful family!

This year my husband and I were blessed with a gorgeous baby boy! I can't say enough about Asher and how wonderful he has made my life. This year I am thankful that God has given me the gift of Asher Benjamin!

I am grateful for my sister and my brother in law, who have given us a beautiful home to live in while we save for our house, endless amounts of support and love, and a gorgeous niece and nephew! This year I am grateful for Michelle, Kris, Kylee Ceriah, and Ethan James!

I am grateful for The family that I have chosen and the families who have chosen me. For Asher's Mimi, who loves him like her own, for Asher's Uncles and Auntie who keep his pictures by their beds and keep him in their thoughts and prayers. This year I am grateful for the whole Webber house hold.

I am grateful for my Aunt Coleen, who dropped everything two weeks after having major surgery to take care of Asher while I was in the hospital having emergency surgery and then hospitalized with a serious illness.

I am grateful that my mother has grown as a person and continues to be faithful to her sobriety and the love that she feels for my son.

I am grateful for Phill's family who has become my family. For Asher's Grammy and Gram for loving him. For Lori and Paul who have offered our family help when we've needed it, for Sylvia who is a bank of knowledge and encouragement, and for all the Cole's who make having a large family fun!

This year I am grateful for my three big sisters, who I've always known about, but who have just recently come into my life. For Carol who sought us out and filled in some gaps in our past, for Elaine (My look alike) who shares many of my personality traits, her daughter Jackie...who is a smart, intelligent, beautiful young woman, and for Kelly, who is beautiful inside and out : ) This year is the first year that I can say I am grateful to my birth father, if only for the opportunity to have Carol, Elaine, and Kelly in my life.

I am Grateful for Medical Science

This year I am especially grateful for all those who were blessed with greater intelligence than myself and a passion for healing.

I am grateful to the doctor's at Tufts Floating Hospital for Children, who worked tirelessly to stabilize, diagnose, and treat my son when at just 11 weeks old he suffered a severe allergic emergency and stopped breathing.

I am grateful to live in a time where doctor's know a lot about rare medical conditions and have medicine and medical food to feed children who in past generations would have died.

I am grateful for a little boy who takes all his setback in stride and continues to be a ray of sunshine in my life.

I am grateful to the doctor's at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center who took care of me during my high risk pregnancy, delivered my baby, took care of me when my liver failed, saved my kidneys, and delivered my sister's baby.

I Am Grateful for my Husband

I am grateful to have a husband who works many hours over time week after week to provide for his family and allow me to stay at home and take care of Asher. I am grateful to Phill for the love and adoration he has for our son and for the things that he has given up in order to have a closer relationship with his the business that he poured his heart into.

I Am Grateful for My Friends

For Ali who talks me through all my problems and always has a listening ear, and great advice. For her beautiful son Aiden who will grow up with Asher. I am grateful for the social outlet known as The Bump, it keeps this stay at home mom sane! I am grateful for all the women whom I've never met, but have helped me through a lot of tough times. I am especially thankful for a few of these women who have taken a special interest in my family and have kept us in their thoughts and prayers.

And last But Not Least, I am grateful for the means to take care of my family.

I am grateful to have food on our table, clothes on our back, great health insurance, and a beautiful house and safe neighborhood for my son to grow up in.

What are you grateful for this year?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Decision Decisions, we've decided

Snowflake Reflections Cocoa Christmas Card
Make a statement with custom Christmas cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

We decided to go with option number 2. If you've moved and need to update your address so we can send you a card, please FB message me!

Turkey, Cider, Hot Cocoa, and our Fabulous Mugs!

Its that time of year again! Thats right, its holiday picture time! I'm so excited to be a mom this year, because I get to send out one of those cute picture cards from Shutterfly that everyone send out around the holidays! I love getting all the pictures of the kids and babies and seeing how much they've grown from the previous year!

About a week ago we did Asher's six month photoshoot and family holiday portrait. We got so many pictures so now I'm torn between getting a simple photocard to show off the fabulous family picture that Phill this one from Shutterfly...The Peace Love Ribbon Card Or Maybe a card like this one to show off all the fabulous pictures that we took of Asher and the family. What do you think? Either way I know we'll be going with Shutterfly since the prices are good and they did such an awesome job on Asher's birth announcements!

I'm excited to see all of your holiday pictures! So you better get on over to Shutterfly and order them in time for the holidays! I have a whole wall just waiting for them to be hung on!