Friday, July 16, 2010

Tummy Time and Other Much Hated Things

Asher loaths tummy time! He has a really nice tummy time mat and a really patient big cousin who will get down on the floor with him, but still....he won't have any of it! The Pedi said we should aim for 2-3 15 min sessions a day......right. Hes down there for 5 minutes and his is DONE! Still being the mean Mommy that I am, I make him do it!

So no everyone can stop asking now..... Asher is not even close to rolling over, not front to back, not back to front, not continous....nothing at all. I figure its a matter of motivation...he just doesn't care to do it and when he does...then he just will.

Dianne told me a story about Phill once. They were at a family gathering when he was about 14months old and everyone was asking if Phill was walking yet. As Dianne was telling them that no, he wasn't even close to walking, and wasn't even trying, Phill got up and walked straight across the room. Not one of two steps, across the room. Maybe Asher will be like that. He'll do things when it suits him and not because some developmental book says he should or not because I want him to!

Asher is pretty strong however, so I'm not too worried about it. If you hold his hands and try to get him to pull himself up into a seated postion, he will bypass it and pull himself so that he is standing up. Once hes steady, you can let go of one hand and he'll stand holding onto one hand. So like I said, its just a lack of motivation.

Another thing he absolutely hates right now is being burped. I can't figure out why since it ultimately leads to feeling better and not throwing up. But the actually process is always met with such a fuss you would think that we hadn't just fed him or something. Little punk!

He does have some loves too. We may be in trouble, because Mister Man loves to watch TV. If we face him away from the TV he will turn his body in his swing, jumper, RNP...what have you to see the TV. We laugh, but its really not funny...its like hes turning into Mike TV...... Not good. Phill and I used to watch TV while we were falling asleep....until Asher is out of our room we can't do that anymore...lest he get dependant on watching TV to fall asleep as well. So for now we are trying our best to not form bad, hard to break habits......Mister Mister may have other ideas.

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