Wednesday, July 14, 2010

2 Month Professional Pictures

A couple weeks ago Asher and I met up with Ali and Aiden to take the boy's first set of non hospital professional photos. We went to Sears because it was the easiest option. At some point We are going to take both Boys, Kylee, and Ethan when he gets here to a studio that belongs to one of Phill's friends and have a whole slew of pictures taken. Anyway, I plan to get Asher's picture taken every month. While we were there, we both signed up for a super saver card that allows you to bring your baby in anytime you want with no session fee and a free 8 x 10. I figure I can get it taken each month and then just get the free 8 x 10 and scan the picture in, but buy bigger packages at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 1 year.

I was pretty worried about the timing of the whole thing. Asher had to be awake and alert, fed, and have a clean butt in order for this whole thing to go down well. And I made it work for the most part, that is until a really rude woman showed up at the studio! Asher was in an awesome mood and Aiden decided he needed to eat RIGHT AWAY, so we decided that Asher would go first. He was in a great mood, smiling and cooing. About five minutes in, a woman showed up demanding to be waited on immediately (Very loudly) and then was upset because her pictures weren't ready yet, even though she showed up early to get them! Anyway, by the time the photographer was done dealing with her, Asher had lost his great mood and started to cry, so I only got a couple good shots! I'm adding that lady to my "list".

Aiden went next and his pictures came out so awesome. But by the time they were done and it was time for the boys to get their picture taken together, they were both DONE! So Ali and I are taking them back tomorrow for a re shoot....hopefully those come out great. It would be so awesome if we could document the friendship back to infancy for them.

Next week Chelle and I plan to take advantage of my super saver card and take Kylee to get her picture taken and maybe then we will get Asher and Kylee together : ) Call me picture crazy...I've been this way my whole life. I think it stems down to the fact that there are very few pictures of me as a little girl.

When I first starting dating Phill, his mother brought up 18 photo albums (1 for each year)! That's how many pictures Phill has of his childhood. And they are all great pictures too. I want Asher to have something like that going on.

P.S Family Members: If you have pictures of me as a child, I would love a copy : )

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