I've been thinking a lot lately about how much has changed in such a small amount of time. Its bittersweet. Recently, I've been more sad than happy. I think about Asher and I think "This may be the only baby I'll ever have" And then I think about all the stages of babyhood and how he kinda rushed through some of them. I look at my almost ten month old and I no longer see a baby, I see a toddler. And its not perspective, other people with babies that are the same age as Asher tell me the same thing "Your child doesn't seem like hes the same age as mine" or "I look at Asher compared to my baby and he seems like such a big kid, more like a toddler than a baby" Its true. He is in such a rush. I don't know if hes trying to keep up with Kylee or if this is just who he is. But its like he wants to do everything immediately. And I just want him to slow down and be a baby while he is a baby. Recently, I've started pulling pictures for a project that I'm working on. Every month since he was born, I've taken pictures of Asher wearing a onesie with a month sticker on it. I totally forgot and I don't know how, but I stumbled on a picture of Asher with his two month sticker on, and he was standing up even then, holding onto just one hand. And then another picture of him just a month later, standing up in his new suit and shoes, holding onto just one little finger. Has he always been such a big boy? I look at Ethan, who is also a big baby, and I try to imagine him standing up and holding onto one finger....and I smile because that would be crazy. How come at the time, when Asher was doing these things I didn't think "Wow this is crazy" Then I thought "How cool" and now I think "I wish he would slow down a little".
Afterall, what do we have left before his first birthday is upon us....2 months and some change? Thats really no time at all. I love hearing his little voice when he speaks to us. I think its hallarious the way he says "Seuss" it comes out more like Suss...but its there. Or when he says "All Done" or rather screams it whenever we are doing something he wants no part of, like changing his diaper. Or when he tells other babies "This" over and over again, really telling them "This is mine" Obviously he needs to learn how to share. And of course there is "No"....we are working on "Yes", but he has no interest in that for some reason. I love his voice, I rejoice with him when he walks more than two steps, I love watching his pour over books, and play with Kylee for hours.
But it breaks my heart that he is no longer a little baby and part of me is jealous when I hold other nine month olds, who still feel like babies. Who still want your constant attention and don't push you away when you try to play with them. When did my baby get so independent?
In two months Asher will officially be a toddler. And of course we're going to be so proud when he finally gets to eat some really gross allergy free cake...just like any other parent...maybe even more so. But maybe just for an afternoon it would be nice to press pause and enjoy this time. Sometimes I wish I could go back to when he was a newborn and just enjoy holding him that way for a couple hours. I wish I hadn't been so sleep deprived and then so sick, I didn't enjoy that time as much as I should have and that makes me feel guilty. All I could think then was "I wish I could get some sleep" Sigh....hindsight.
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