Monday, August 16, 2010

A Swift Kick in the Butt and a Giant Smack in the Face!

I've already posted this on my Facebook, but in case you missed it its worth mentioning here as well. A couple days ago Asher was bouncing around and kicking his legs like a madman in his bouncer. Kylee walked by and got kicked in the butt...totally an accident, but you can't get a 19 month old to understand that. She got all huffy and grabbed Asher's foot, riped off his shoe. Then she turned her body and stuck her butt in his face, looked over her back so she could see Asher, took her free hand and pointed to her butt while shaking Asher's shoe at him. She said "This my butt! My butt!" Poor Asher just stopped kicking and looked at her like "Okay sheesh, yes thats you're butt" Haha these kids crack me up! Heres a picture minutes before this event happened!

In other poor child is always starving! Neocate is so thin that sometimes he wants to eat every hour and its just not possible. I feel bad for him, his stomach makes noises and he whines....and then if I'm not quick enough he screams for food. I feel like I'm always washing bottles and I live in fear that we'll run out of Neocate before the end of the month. Neocate is $85 a can and you can only get it at a pharmacy.....and not all them carry it. At our pharmacy they have to special order it and since it has a shelf life they only order enough to cover your prescription, so if you go through more of it than the script calls for you're pretty screwed. I brought this up to Asher's pedi and asked if she could write the script for a few extra cans a monthy so that we're never without food, but she said that she wrote it for the max ammount that my insurance will if we run out of Neocate we have to give him pedialyte until the new month begins. Pedialyte is not a substitute for food!

I get very jealous when I read about other babies getting rice cereal and other first foods. It totally sucks that even on regular formula or breast milk we would have been thinking about these things anyway. But now when hes starving all the time, I can't help but feel saddness and frustration over the whole allergy issue.

The allergy issue has sparked debate amongst the forum that I post on reguarly. Should other parents be expected to not send their kids to school with products containing peanuts in order to safe guard against a serious allergy in other children. Some mom's say "No" and that its selfish on my part to ask them to do that just cause my kid has serious allergies. I can't help but feeling more than a little hate towards them. Its not the big a sacrifice and it could save my child's life. But Whatever.

I'm hoping for a food trial soon. I believe the first food trial will be carrots and sweet potatos because those are the two foods he is least likely to have a reaction to. I'm not looking forward to going back to Tufts for that, especially if we end up having to spend the night. But I would very much like to be able to feed Asher's something that will make his belly feel satisified!

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